Kodie Stewart, a graduate of our Young People’s Leadership Academy, is a finalist in the Glasgow Community Champion Awards, run by the Glasgow Times, for her work in the community.
Kodie took part in Girls At Cop26, a special conference at Glasgow Caledonian University during the United Nations’ Climate Conference last November. She also volunteers for local projects, including litter-picking with Wellhouse Housing Association, volunteering at Connect Community Trust and runs a Friday night basketball club for young people.
The Lochend Community High pupil took a lead in her school on campaigning about the climate crisis after taking part in our Young People’s Leadership Academy. When she returned to school after the residential, she said:
“I did a leadership programme in Skye called Columba 1400. I was aware of the climate emergency before I went, of course, but after being there and talking about things we could do I came back to school feeling really strongly that something needs to be done and young people are the ones who need to do it. I came back thinking – let’s get it done, let’s make the change.”
To learn more about Kodie’s story read this article in the Glasgow Times.
*Wee update – she won! Huge congratulations to Kodie!