This February we are launching our first Care Fest – a celebration of the care-experienced community in Edinburgh.
It’s an opportunity to bring the community together and for care-experienced young people to explore their potential and the opportunities open to them.
We’re delighted to welcome guest partners HUB for Success, Napier University, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh College, Grandmentors, Spartans Community Football Club, Newbattle Abbey College, Herriot Watt University and WhoCares Scotland.
They’ll chat to young people about what opportunities they can offer them and will each present a 30 minute session during the morning.
The Columban warmth of welcome will be there in spades, with music and refreshments for the young people to enjoy as they make connections and learn about exciting possibilities for their futures.
Care Fest will be held on the morning of Friday, 3 February from 10am to 12.30 at St Augustine’s High School in Edinburgh.
Everyone from the care-experienced community welcome. No need to book.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]